HANKO looks like a stamp. Most Japanese use this instead of signature.
For example,use for get a parcel, Invoice or receipt,open a bank account ,house buying and selling contract,and so on.
Are you worry about misuse? Don't worry , Because of HANKO have a lot of type and that has been decided to use.
Ready-made seal instead of use signature. If your name is popular,It buy easily by 100yen shop in Japan.
It's seal impression is same,because mold is common. So it doesn't use important seal.
Most of popular maker is Shachihata in Japan.This product made by rubber parts and auto filling red ink,thefore it's very useful and quickly for seal.
Shachihata can integrate pen.this have projection ,because everyone can distinguish a seal direction.
I designed 3D HANKO have a projection, and you can easy distinguish a seal direction.
Private seal use for expensive contract or identification.It's need meet some conditions. At first, private seal made by handmaid. Because It's seal impression is only one.
But,It's meke for a lot of time, and expensive.
Thefore you need registration seal impression for city office in Japan.
If you need private seal,you have to order HANKO shop. My 3D HANKO doesn't use for private seal.
private seal font is interesting. It's encryption for yourself. Others illegible seal impression and seal don't have a projection.
This is example for private sela.can you read [日本忍者]nihon-ninja?
If you distinguish for seal's direction or mistake seal impression direction, you suspected theft seal.
When you contract or open a bank account,you need the seal registration certificate by citi office in Japan. You need seal impression card at that time
Certification is prepare for private seal and seal registration.
bank seal included type of private seal. you can open a bank by private seal.but if you lost private seal,you need the seal registration again.
Almot Japanse make different seal for bank, avoid to suffer damage.
If you use private seal, you need use a shuniku.(most of bank have a prace on desk.)
It looks same red ink stamp pad.but shuniku is strong for UltraViolet rays.clearly seal impression and don't faded long time.
In Japanese office,distinctin for seal by shape.private seal if roundec,and self-inking seal is square.
kakuin contain many characters, and you can distinction easy.
Rounded HANKO is get easy. so I designed square HANKO for you and low cost.
order made your name for kanji